Hales and Coultas is the largest company for heating and plumbing in Scunthorpe, covering the whole North Lincolnshire region and further afield.
With over 30 years experience of high quality services at competitive prices, they proudly serve the whole region both domestically and commercially.
This month they won an award for their work in supporting local people and causes.
The Caring for the Community category is part of Quality Plumber Week awards, led by the Association of Plumbing and Heating Contractors. It recognises organisations that go above and beyond to help and support their neighbourhoods.
As the largest company for heating and plumbing in Scunthorpe, Hales and Coultas were praised for their work in giving back a proportion of profits to support small organisations each year.
During 2021-2022, the team donated over £15,000 to support different projects. This has benefitted an allotment project, which aims to create pride on estates and boost mental health and wellbeing through practical gardening skills.
The donation also supported a ‘Raising Aspirations’ project which employs Youth Mentors to work with young people to inspire and encourage them to grow to their full potential as involved members of our community.
A £10k donation was made to Scunthorpe Imps amateur boxing club, as they were at risk of closure, and during the Covid lockdown, the team also took on the role of delivering care packages to those most in need, with more than 100 people benefitting from this service.
The team continues to consider ways of supporting local projects that benefit local communities.
We hope they enjoy their day with us.
Meanwhile, we are delighted to welcome friends of Study United to Glanford Park as matchball sponsor.