Remembering past matches played by the Iron on May 6...
Former Iron players born on this day: Nathan Stanton (1981), Shaun Brisley (1990).

Overall playing record for May 6: Played 6, Won 2, Drawn 3, Lost 1, Scored 13, Conceded 9.

The Iron's full record for May 6 is as follows:

2006 LG 1 Oldham 1-1 Iron Sharp
2000 DIV 2 Iron 1-2 Burnley Hodges
1995 DIV 3 Iron 2-1 Preston Ford, Knill
1989 DIV 4 Iron 5-1 Darlington Daws 3, Taylor, Flounders
1985 DIV 4 Rochdale 3-3 Iron Cammack 2, Stobart
1968 DIV 3 Southport 1-1 Iron Colquhoun

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