Remembering past matches played by the Iron on September 11...

The Iron's last win on this day came in 1999 when Lee Hodges scored in a 1-0 away victory at Colchester United.

It was our first away win of the 1999-2000 campaign, while United were also successful in the previous encounter on September 11, winning 2-0 against Chester in 1993.

Scunthorpe haven't played on this day since 2010.

Overall playing record for September 11: Played 14, Won 6, Drawn 4, Lost 4, Scored 17, Conceded 17.

The Iron's full record for September 11 is as follows:
2021 LG 2 Iron 0-4 Exeter  
2010 CHAMP Bristol C 2-0 Iron  
2004 LG 2 Iron 1-2 Chester Butler
2002 LG CUP R1 Preston 2-1 Iron Torpey
1999 DIV 2 Colchester 0-1 Iron Hodges
1993 DIV 3 Chester 0-2 Iron Toman, Juryeff
1982 DIV 4 Wimbledon 2-2 Iron O'Berg 2
1976 DIV 4 Bournemouth 2-2 Iron Green 2
1971 DIV 4 Peterborough 0-1 Iron Heath
1970 DIV 4 Aldershot 0-1 Iron Rusling
1965 DIV 3 Iron 1-1 Peterborough Bedford
1962 DIV 2 Iron 1-0 Swansea Hodgson
1954 DIV 3N Barrow 1-3 Iron Gregory, Brown, Haigh
1952 DIV 3N Iron 1-1 Chester Broadley

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