The Iron's community group are running a host of courses over that two week period, with information as follows...
@ St Lawrence Academy
Running from 10.00am to 3.00pm and costing just £10 per day.
Children aged from six to 13 are welcome, with registration starting from 9.00am.
Participants will need warm waterproof clothing, shin pads, suitable footwear, packed lunch and drinks!
Monday, April 10
Tuesday, April 11
Wednesday, April 12
Thursday, April 13
Tuesday, April 18
Wednesday, April 19
Thursday, April 20
Please note we WONT be running an Iron Infants on the Fridays like we normally do.
For information, call 01724 747673 or email
Tweets by @SUFCOfficial
Please note we WONT be running an Iron Infants on the Fridays like we normally do.
For information, call 01724 747673 or email
Tweets by @SUFCOfficial