The Iron Membership packages price has been frozen for the 2016/17 season, with the junior rate now available for under 18’s, although there have been some changes to the benefits on offer.
Despite a reduction in the discount off matchday prices for members compared to last season, the package now offers a 5% discount in the club shop when it comes back in house as of June 1st while coach travel discount for Iron Members has increased to £2 per member this year.
So for a one-off payment of £14 for adults, £10 for concessions and £8 for U18's you will receive:
> £1 off home league match tickets bought in advance of the game
> 5% off in the club shop
> £2 off official away travel
> Priority ticketing on cup games after season ticket holders
> Exclusive offers from the club and our partners when available
Buy now by visiting the Scunthorpe United ticket office, Glanford Park, Jack Brownsword Way, call 01724 747670 or order online here.
Please note proof of age is required to be shown or submitted for all concession/junior categories before membership can be fully processed.
Concessions count as over 65’s, under 21’s or students in full time education. Junior category are for under 18’s.
Membership cards will be distributed ahead of the new season, but may not be issued at the time of purchase.