Remembering past matches played by the Iron on February 23...
Former Iron players born on this day: Bob Mountford (1952), Steve Goodwin (1954), Terry Hawkridge (1990).

Overall playing record for February 23: Played 13, Won 4, Drawn 5, Lost 4, Scored 17, Conceded 17. 

The Iron's full record for February 23 is as follows:
2021 LG 2 Bolton 2-0 Iron  
2019 LG 1 Iron 1-1 Doncaster Wootton
2013 LG 1 Iron 1-2 Hartlepool Alabi
2010 CHAMP Iron 1-1 Ipswich Byrne
2008 CHAMP Iron 1-1 Southampton Crosby
2002 DIV 3 Iron 2-1 Rochdale Graves 2
1991 DIV 4 Rochdale 2-1 Iron Daws
1985 DIV 4 Aldershot 1-2 Iron Graham, Broddle
1974 DIV 4 Iron 0-0 Swansea  
1963 DIV 2 Plymouth 2-3 Iron McGuigan, Howells, Brownsword
1962 DIV 2 Iron 2-0 Swansea Hodgson, McGuigan
1957 DIV 3N Chester 2-2 Iron Waldock, Haigh
1952 DIV 3N Barrow 2-1 Iron Hubbard

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