Remembering past matches played by the Iron on October 16...
Former Iron players born on this day: Jeff Barker (1915), Dudley Roberts (1945), David Shearer (1958), Kirk Jackson (1976), Neil Teggart (1984).

Overall playing record for October 16: Played 9, Won 3, Drawn 2, Lost 4, Scored 20, Conceded 14.

The Iron's full record for October 16 is as follows:
2021 LG 2 Iron 0-2 Forest Green  
2010 CHAMP Iron 1-3 Doncaster Woolford
2004 LG 2 Kidderminster 3-2 Iron Torpey, Hayes
2001 FLT R1 Iron 3-1 Lincoln Torpey, Beagrie 2
1999 DIV 2 Iron 1-1 Preston Ipoua
1993 DIV 3 Iron 7-0 Northampton Carmichael 3, Thompstone, Smith, Elliott, Toman
1971 DIV 4 Iron 1-2 Grimsby Deere
1965 DIV 3 Iron 3-0 Bristol Rovers Goodwin, Barton, Bedford
1954 DIV 3N Iron 2-2 Rochdale Brown 2

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