In light of the current uncertainty over when the 2020-21 season will commence, the club can confirm the 12th Man Season Ticket Early Bird deadline, which was due to end on Friday 22nd May, has been extended to Tuesday 30th June 2020.

The Iron’s Chief Executive Officer Leanne Mayo commented: “The board of directors have taken on board supporters’ concerns about the uncertainty over when the 2020-21 season will start and have extended the Early Bird deadline until the end of June. By this time, we hope to have an understanding of when the new season will begin and by extending the deadline, supporters will have additional time to purchase at the Early Bird price with more certainty of what the 2020-21 season will look like. 

“Although we have extended the deadline, we would encourage those that are willing and able to purchase now, to please do so, as your support will help through these difficult times. We thank all who have bought a package so far.”

The club are waiting on confirmation from the EFL over the outcome of the 2019-20 season and once known, the board will be able to consider arrangements regarding tickets purchased for games that are currently postponed.

Thank you for your patience during these difficult times. Click here for more details.

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