12th Man packages for the 2018-2019 season go on sale from 9am on Saturday, March 17th, 2018.
By spreading the cost of your season ticket over 10 months, an adult in the Britcon Stand could be paying less than £30 a month, while SPB or Clugston Stand adults could be paying only £36, after the initial payments. For full details on the price structure and apply online visit the Zebra Finance website here.
Q - How do I purchase my Season Ticket through Zebra Finance?
A – Firstly you need to apply for finance by visiting http://bit.ly/18ZebraSUFC - you will need to complete an online application form. Alternatively, you can call Zebra direct on 0845 634 1199 or fill in the form at the ticket office at Glanford Park. Once accepted for finance, both you and the club will be notified of acceptance and you can then contact the club to confirm your season ticket details.
Q - How old must I be to apply for finance?
A - You must be 18 years old or over to apply for finance.
Q - What credit checks will be made?
A - The finance company will check their records and the records of external credit agencies.
Q - Can you provide any further information about Zebra Finance?
A - Further information about Zebra can be found by visiting their website at www.zebrafinance.co.uk.
Q - How are my repayments made?
A - Via Direct Debit - further information in relation to this can be found by visiting their website at www.zebrafinance.co.uk.
Q - How many payments will I need to make during the season?
A - Zebra will take direct debit payments over a 10-month period. This will be explained on your credit agreement if you are accepted.
Q - What would happen to my season ticket if I missed a payment?
A - If you default on any repayment, this may result in your season ticket being deactivated.
Q - Can I purchase my Season Ticket now?
A - Only if you are making a 'one off' payment via cash, credit/debit card or cheque. If you want to pay via the finance option, you must apply for finance first.
Q - If I progress with the finance option how do I purchase my season ticket once approved?
A - Confirmation from Zebra Finance will be sent to you and to Scunthorpe United FC - you will not need to do anything else as the club will then process the sale of your season ticket and you will receive a confirmation email from the club once the sale is complete.
Q - If I progress with the finance option and it is approved, when will the first payment be taken?
A - The first payment will be taken approximately 18 days after the agreement is made.
Q - What if Zebra decline my application?
A - Confirmation from Zebra Finance will be sent to you and to Scunthorpe United FC - you will then need to contact the club and purchase your season ticket through one of the other methods available.
Q - How long does the process take from submitting my application to finding out if I have been approved for finance?
A - The decision will be made instantly.
Q - Will the finance company share my details with any other companies?
A - No.
Q - What if finance is approved and for some reason I have to move to a seat that is more expensive to the seat my finance was approved for?
A - You will have to make a one off payment to SUFC for the additional cost.
Q - How do I apply for finance if the Season Ticket I use is in somebody else's name?
A - As long as the season ticket name is provided, Zebra will process an application from you even if the season ticket is not in your name/address.
Q - Can I pay an 'X' amount as a 'one off' payment and then finance the remaining amount?
A - Purely due to administration limitations and short timescales this isn't possible.
To download an application form, click here.